
  • Upholding the dignity of the Institution by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the Institution through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-teacher relationship etc.
  • Advising Student leaders to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, teachers, and/or College administration
  • Encouraging the Student to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized
  • Advising teachers to be affectionate to the Students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason
  • Advising Students of the Institution to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises
  • To take the decisions regarding finding out the solutions to many of them or to submit it to the higher authorities for further action


  • The Grievance Cell deals with all issues related to the betterment and well being of the student community
  • Grievance / complaint Boxes have been installed at two different places in the College campus in which the Students who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the academics/administration in the College
  • The grievance box helps students in voicing their opinions and suggestions. The committee reads the grievances and finds solutions. There are student representatives in the grievance committee which helps in transparency
  • Students can approach the teachers or any of the members directly
  • The suggestions from other committees like Placement cell, Counseling cell, Student council and Alumni associations are also taken.


Dr.(Smt) A A Ankalikar
Assistant Professor & Co-ordinator
Ph: 0836-2373174



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